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Van conversion guide

Our van conversion guide is the definitive source of information online about converting a campervan. So, if you’re about to start your conversion and you have questions, you’re in the right place to find the answers.

The #1 resource for campervan conversions, from the bestselling authors of The Van Conversion Bible 📖

How can we help?

The ultimate guide to converting a campervan
Our award-winning book has sold tens of thousands of copies all over the world. Not to mention 1,000+ 5-star reviews!
Electrical design service by
Leading the charge with award-winning, bespoke electrical systems for your campervan ⚡

If you want to read a summary of how to convert a campervan, check out our article below. It includes some data and illustrations from The Van Conversion Bible so you can get a taste of what’s included!

As there’s a lot of information to share, we’ve broken this van conversion guide down into the sections of the build. Just like we do in our book. The information on our website is a mixture of articles, guidebook pages and resources that are all completely free to use. So read on, swot up, and get psyched to begin the adventure of converting your own campervan!

Planning your van conversion

Before you start converting your own campervan, it’s important to research 🤓 There are many considerations to bear in mind before you commit to a converting a campervan, from the van that you should use as your base vehicle to how much it might cost you. So we’ve written a series of articles to help you plan your van build and give you the confidence to get started.

Designing a campervan

It can be hard to come up with van layout ideas off the top of your head. There are many considerations when designing your campervan layout, for instance how you plan on using your campervan. Similarly, how many people it’s for and how much gear you have to store. So we’ve built a campervan layout configurator to help you decide on a layout for your van.

Van layout configurator

Not sure what layout to pick for your van? Use our automated van configurator to help you decide. Simply fill in your requirements and it will suggest a van layout based on exactly what you need.

Get your layout

Shopping for your van conversion

So, you’re ready to start shopping for your van conversion, but you’re not sure what to buy. Our series of shopping articles details exactly which tools to invest in for your build. Plus, our nifty shopping list tool will help you figure out just what you need to start your van conversion 🗒️

Shopping list tool

Input your budget and track your spending with some useful graphs. Our van build spreadsheet is completely configurable to your own conversion using a series of filters. Containing useful tips and links suggesting where to purchase everything online.

Get your copy

You can also shop for your van conversion on our site. From the electrical system to insulation, we have lots of products to help with your build 🛒

Building a campervan

We’ve broken the build section of our van conversion guide down into several categories focusing on different areas of the build. Under each category is a series of blog posts to help you with all of the different aspects of your van build. From installing windows to building a campervan kitchen.

Exterior 🪟

The exterior phase of our van conversion guide encompasses all of the external changes you need to make to your camper. From installing windows and skylights, and attaching solar panels, roof racks, awnings and any other inlets. We’d recommend starting with this phase. as it’s much easier chopping holes in your van before you’ve covered it with insulation and cladding!

Insulation ☁️

Once you’ve finished your exterior modifications, you can start to insulate your campervan. There are lots of opinions online as to the best way to tackle campervan insulation. So we’ve used a scientific approach to identify the insulation materials with the best insulative properties. Above all, this has allowed us to confirm for sure the best method of insulating your campervan.

Electrical system ⚡

The electrical system is likely the most expensive phase of your van conversion, and for many it’s the most daunting too. There are a lot of considerations to take into account. But worry not, our team of engineers have distilled all of their knowledge into detailed guidebook pages and articles. Visit our electrical system hub to dig deeper into the world of campervan electrics.

Guidebook pages

Helpful articles

Electrical design service

Since writing our book, we have launched our free electrical system design service which along with our team of engineers, as a result we can understand your needs and requirements and design your perfect campervan electrical system. We will provide a free bespoke wiring diagram, detailed installation booklet, and send you every single component required to install your system.

Campervan electrics leaving you confused?

Our team of engineers will design your perfect system, bespoke to your needs 👌
Discover more It’s free

Cladding 🪵

There are several methods of cladding your campervan, from using thin sheets of ply to cover your walls or on the other hand, using strips of cladding to create more of a cosy cabin aesthetic. Our cladding article details how to clad your campervan using cladding strips.

Water system 💧

Our series of water system articles will help you undesrtand exactly how to install a campervan water system, coupled with information about campervan toilet options, and how to install an outdoor shower in your van.

Layout construction 🔨

In the layout construction phase of a van conversion, you will build all of your physical  structures, from beds to kitchens and bench seating. Our series of van tour articles aim to cover each ‘room’ in a campervan. Providing information on how to construct certain components and the considerations you should make when designing your layout.

Gas & heating 🔥

The gas and heating systems in your van conversion will power your cooker, heat water and keep your van toasty in the winter. There a lot of choices to make, from diesel or LPG powered heaters to cosy wood burners. Therefore, our series of van conversion guides on gas and heating will help make these choices simple.

Preparing for van life

Once you’ve finished your van conversion, there’s still a few tasks you need to complete before you’re ready to hit the road. So read our series of articles about ‘preparing for van life’ to make sure your campervan is adventure-ready.

Van life & travel tips and tricks

Now that you’re a digital nomad, living and travelling in your campervan. Our series of van life & travel articles will help you level up your adventures.

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